Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 100: Movies That Made Us!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 04 2019

Hey, Latin Illiterates, it’s our big one-oh-oh, and for this extra-sized centennial episode Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall had the wonderful idea to get their friends together and talk about the 5 movies that most influenced their lives.

To that end, they gathered Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School , Monty Ashley of The Incomparable Podcast Network, Jeff Harris of Fanboy News Network , and lil’ ol’ me, Handsome Husband Jim.

You’ll learn a lot about us as people, how kids are sheltered from violent media unlike in our day (also get off our lawns), movies that were made by piles of cocaine, and hear the shriek of the Man-Bat.

Thanks for listening, folks, and here’s to another 100!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 83: Bad But Beloved!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 24 2018

After some minor technical difficulties, we are back, and this time around your hosts Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely talk about the movies they know are bad (or at least other people think they are), but love them anyway.

And as a side note, I, Handsome Fiance Jim, think that the Howling werewolves were terrifying with their too-long, weirdly jointed fingers, and that the Brendan Fraser Mummy was the bomb; it totally buckled my swash.

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 65: Sharing is Caring!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 25 2017

DRtL is back after its bye week to bring you more horror goodness. This time Jennifer is joined by Handsome Boyfriend Jim to talk about how to share the movies you love with someone you love. Jen and Jim have a lot of common ground, but also some divergent tastes in films, so if you’ve ever wondered about how to broach the subject with your better half, this one’s for you!