Can you keep a secret?

Posted on May 06 2014 in Episodes

Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone. This blog hasn’t officially been launched yet. We’re still tweaking things behind the scenes, checking under the hood and kicking the tires.

Don’t Read The Latin is going to be a biweekly podcast from horror aficionados Michael Montoure and Jennifer Lovely. We’re going to be talking about the world of horror – primarily horror movies, but with the occasional look at horror books and television as well.

We’re recording the first episode this week, and it will be online shortly, but in the meantime, here’s a look at the genesis of this project – the episode of Fanboy News Network that first had us as guests, which gave us the urge to have a soapbox of our own. Check it out.

The Media List

Movies and television shows mentioned in this episode:

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