DRtL Episode 57: Favorite Directors!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on May 01 2017

Hello, Latin Club! If you’ve been following us for a while, then you know we’ve had our episodes in the past about Wes Craven and John Carpenter — but there are so many other horror movie directors whose work we avidly follow. We don’t necessarily have a full episode’s worth of things to say about each and every one of them, so we thought, why not do a grab-bag of everyone who’s work we admire? Join us as we discuss our Favorite Directors!

(The Media List for this episode is a little spotty — we mentioned a lot of movies very briefly in passing that did not make it into the Media List, but hopefully everything we discuss in any detail should be listed here.)

As always, let us know what you think in the comments, and please take a minute to rate and review us on iTunes to let your fellow horror fans know we’re worth checking out. Thanks!



If you’re a horror aficionado in the greater Seattle area, you probably know that next weekend (May 5-7, 2017) is Crypticon Seattle, the largest gathering of fans of the the macabre in the Pacific Northwest. Both of us are on panels this year, and if you enjoy our podcast, you should come see us babble excitedly about horror movies in person! Hope to see you at the Doubletree. Come introduce yourselves! We love meeting listeners!

Jennifer’s Panels:

  • Pacific Northwest Horror Enthusiasts and Friendship Society — Friday at 6:00 pm in Evergreen 3
  • Underrated Masters of Horror — Saturday at 3:00 pm in Cascade 3
  • What Makes Horror Relevant Beyond the Genre? — Saturday at 4:00 pm in Cascade 3
  • Podcasting Mixer — Sunday at 1:00 pm in Evergreen 3

Michael’s Panels:

  • Pacific Northwest Horror Enthusiasts and Friendship Society — Friday at 6:00 pm in Evergreen 3
  • What Was It About the 80’s? — Saturday at 3:00 pm in Cascade 5
  • Reading: Michael Montoure — Saturday at 4:30 pm in Cascade 2
  • Who Would Win? — Saturday at 8:00 pm in Cascade 7
  • Have We Outgrown the Ghost Story? — Sunday at 11:00 am in Cascade 3
  • Podcasting Mixer — Sunday at 1:00 pm in Evergreen 3
  • Alternate Cuts — Sunday at 2:00 pm in Cascade 7

DRtL Episode 40: Southern Horror!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 11 2016

Welcome back, sugar — won’t you set down for a spell? There you are, settle right in, bless your heart. Thank you so much for joining us for a little Southern hospitality as we sit by the fire and talk about Southern Horror!

We will also be talking about the related-but-slightly-separate Southern Gothic genre, which Tennessee Williams described as writing fiction that captures “an intuition, of an underlying dreadfulness in modern experience.” Which is something we can all relate to, don’t you think?

Join us as we break down our favorite horror films that take place deep in the American South, including some that could only tenuously be said to take place in the South, including one that we were just straight up completely wrong about. (Michael brings up The Others, which, in fact, takes place in freakin’ England. DRtL regrets the error.)


Bonus Features

Jennifer talks about her subscription to Horror Block, Nerd Block’s horror box subscription that provides her with hand-selected toys, T-shirts, and more surprises every month. (We are not affiliated with this site — Jennifer is just a happy customer.) You can sign up for Horror Block here, if you are so inclined.

We mention “Mama,” the original short film that Guillermo del Toro helped turn into a . . . well, sadly-inferior feature film. But the original hasn’t lost any of its intensity. You can watch it here:

Michael makes fun of the “Look at me, I’m burning” line from Silent Hill, because — well, just watch:

Finally, courtesy of Jim Cartwright, we have this article that’s right up our allery: Report: Leading Cause Of Death Still Venturing Beyond The Pines.