Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 112: Horror In The Great Outdoors!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 13 2020

From inside our houses to inside yours, Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely bring tales of films set in that magical place called… outside. Yes, it’s horror movies that don’t take place within four walls, so if you need some escapism coupled with a different kind of dread, we’re here for you!

Stay safe, everyone!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 87: Single Location Horror!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 17 2018

As foretold in last episode’s micommunication, this week your hosts discuss horror that happens in one place (but not in a house, since they just did that). Listen as Jennifer Lovely gives credit where it’s due for a director she dislikes, and Rhias Hall apologizes to Dave Navarro. Plus Handsome Husband Jim goes 1-1 for film recommendations!

DRtL Episode 34: Winter Horror!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 07 2015

The weather outside isn’t the only thing that’s frightful! Better grab some blankets, make yourself some hot cocoa, light a fire in the fireplace — or, really, burn the whole damn house down, if you have to — because Don’t Read the Latin is back, and this time we’re talking Winter Horror. Christmas horror movies, snowbound horror movies, a few classics and a few not-so-classics that all have one thing in common — they have a few more chills than usual.

Jennifer reminisces about the late, lamented Vertigo Video, we once again sing the praises of Scarecrow Video, Michael talks Joe Hill’s Christmassy horror novel NOS4A2, and so much more.

Feel like giving us an early Christmas present? Take a minute to rate us on iTunes and help other horror fans find us!
