Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 102: A Knife And An Alibi!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 16 2019

Hey, we’ve got an extra-special episode for you this time! Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by Kim Douthit from City of Geek and Emalie Soderback from Scarecrow Video to talk about being a woman and loving horror.

It’s multiple generations of ladies chatting about their favorite movies, their experiences, and what got them into the genre, and you won’t hear it anywhere else! Enjoy!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 67: Tropes Galore!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Oct 31 2017

Happy Halloween, Latin listeners! This episode is all about horror tropes, and features Rhias Hall of The Villain EditJeff Harris of Fanboy News Network, and perennial favorite Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School.

They talk about the cliches they love, the ones they hate, and digress a little into the days of yore when Vampire: the Masquerade LARPers walked the Earth. We hope your pumpkin patch is the most sincere tonight!

DRtL Episode 37: Folklore and Fairy Tales!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 25 2016

Can you believe it? We’ve done thirty-seven episodes! (“In a row?”)

This time out, we wander off into the woods to talk about horror movies inspired by fairy tales and folklore, or even just movies that have that fairy tale feel to them, and we delve into why horror movies are the direct modern descendant of these ancient tales. Before we get to the subject, though, we wander off the path a bit to talk about the recent loss of pop culture icons David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

(Note: Jennifer refers at one point to a movie called “Tooth Fairy.” She was actually referring to “Darkness Falls,” which features that mythical creature. “Tooth Fairy” is, in fact, a family-friendly 2010 comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. DRtL regrets the error.)

This episode’s bonus link:

This episode’s YouTube video: Here’s the teaser trailer Michael talks about for the upcoming J.G. Ballard adaptation, “High-Rise”:


DRtL Episode 34: Winter Horror!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 07 2015

The weather outside isn’t the only thing that’s frightful! Better grab some blankets, make yourself some hot cocoa, light a fire in the fireplace — or, really, burn the whole damn house down, if you have to — because Don’t Read the Latin is back, and this time we’re talking Winter Horror. Christmas horror movies, snowbound horror movies, a few classics and a few not-so-classics that all have one thing in common — they have a few more chills than usual.

Jennifer reminisces about the late, lamented Vertigo Video, we once again sing the praises of Scarecrow Video, Michael talks Joe Hill’s Christmassy horror novel NOS4A2, and so much more.

Feel like giving us an early Christmas present? Take a minute to rate us on iTunes and help other horror fans find us!


DRtL Episode 28: Comfort Movies!

2 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 10 2015

You know what we’re talking about — you’re home for a sick day, or maybe you’ve just straight-up run out of fucks. In either case, it’s time to crash on the couch with a pint of ice cream. Or maybe not — maybe it’s just time to try to get something done around the house that you’ve been putting off, like tackling that mountain of laundry, and you just want a movie to put on that won’t demand your full attention.

However it goes, you reach for a comfort movie — something you’ve already seen a zillion times, but just don’t get tired of. The cinematic equivalent of comfort food. A big ol’ audio-visual bowl of macaroni and cheese. Maybe with the emphasis on “cheese.” (As such, this episode sometimes strays way, way far out of strict horror movie territory. We promise you’ll be entertained anyway.)

We are joined this time by the always-charming Jillian Venters, the Lady of the Manners herself, from Gothic Charm School!

DRtL Episode 20: Guilty Pleasures!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2015

First, a word of warning. At one point during this episode, we propose a drinking game — that you drink every time we say something to the effect of, “This is not a good movie.” Do not do this. You will die.

That said — join Michael and Jennifer as we drag our secret stash of schlock out from the back of our video collections into the light. First we define just exactly what it is we mean when we call something a “guilty pleasure,” and then we’re off and running! Expect lots of giggling in this episode.

Episode Three: Horror Movies That Changed Our Minds

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 06 2014

Ever had a horror movie that you watched and hated, only to watch it again later and discover that it’s actually pretty good? Or, worse, you watch a movie you once liked and now you realize it’s terrible? Well, that’s what Episode Three is all about! Join us as we also talk about the season finale of Hannibal (don’t worry, no spoilers!), why we like Japanese horror films until they get too damn weird, why Jennifer doesn’t like to do negative reviews, and her changing opinion of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Don’t miss it!