DRtL Episode 37: Folklore and Fairy Tales!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 25 2016

Can you believe it? We’ve done thirty-seven episodes! (“In a row?”)

This time out, we wander off into the woods to talk about horror movies inspired by fairy tales and folklore, or even just movies that have that fairy tale feel to them, and we delve into why horror movies are the direct modern descendant of these ancient tales. Before we get to the subject, though, we wander off the path a bit to talk about the recent loss of pop culture icons David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

(Note: Jennifer refers at one point to a movie called “Tooth Fairy.” She was actually referring to “Darkness Falls,” which features that mythical creature. “Tooth Fairy” is, in fact, a family-friendly 2010 comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. DRtL regrets the error.)

This episode’s bonus link: www.folkhorror.com

This episode’s YouTube video: Here’s the teaser trailer Michael talks about for the upcoming J.G. Ballard adaptation, “High-Rise”:


DRtL Episode 29: Wolf at the Door!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 24 2015

Jennifer Lovely was unable to make it to a recording session this week, since she is in the process of moving and is busy doing All the Things, so instead Michael Montoure is joined by horror movie aficionado Miranda Wolf! We’ve been meaning to have Miranda on the podcast for ages, and this seemed like a good time to do it.

We kind of flirt with the idea of having an overall theme for the episode, such as Slasher Movies, but it never quite happens. Join us as we talk instead about 80’s slasher movies; Star Trek and Babylon 5 fans fighting in the streets; Montoure’s literal scar from a science fiction convention; differences between the Hannibal TV series, books, and films; ideas for slasher movie role-playing games and the horror board game Betrayal at House on the Hill; puns about feet (so very, very many puns about feet); the literal and figurative horrors that are lurking within Miranda’s Netflix queue; and so much more!

The Media List

DRtL Episode 27: Movies You May Have Missed!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jul 27 2015

Welcome back, fiends! This time, your horror hosts are taking a look back at the last ten years of horror films and trying to bring to light the movies that may have flown under your radar when they were released. A lot of top-notch recommendations this episode.

We’re posting this slightly later in the day than usual due to some audio issues that we weren’t quite able to completely resolve, so we apologize for the sound quality on this one. There’s kind of a background echo to it all that sounds a little like robots gargling underwater, and it was present in the original recording, so we’re going to be looking into improving our microphone setup in future. Hope it’s not too distracting.

Questions, comments, things you’d like to hear in future episodes? Let us know! We’d love to read your feedback on the show. And as always, don’t forget to share, reblog, rate us on iTunes, or just kidnap people off the street and force them to listen to the podcast while tied up in your basement. Enjoy!