Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 102: A Knife And An Alibi!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 16 2019

Hey, we’ve got an extra-special episode for you this time! Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by Kim Douthit from City of Geek and Emalie Soderback from Scarecrow Video to talk about being a woman and loving horror.

It’s multiple generations of ladies chatting about their favorite movies, their experiences, and what got them into the genre, and you won’t hear it anywhere else! Enjoy!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 68: Women Directors Revisited!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 13 2017

Hello, Latin fans!

This episode features Rhias Hall of The Villain Edit, and we talk about women who direct horror movies. While this subject has been tackled in a previous episode, new voices on the show bring new conversations and new viewpoints, so this is the first of a few topics that we might be revisiting in the future to get fresh perspectives.

Keep an ear out for a brief cameo from Handsome Boyfriend Jim, as well as our own Princess Headbutt, Maggie the cat!

DRtL Episode 39: Horror Heroines!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Mar 14 2016

…. And once again after slightly too long a hiatus, we return once more with another episode of Don’t Read the Latin!

This time out, we’re talking about heroines in horror. Horror movies tend to have more female protagonists than practically any other genre, which is something we both love about them. At some point, we plan on having a Feminism in Horror episode where we’ll delve into why we think that is and examine just how horror treats its female characters. But for now, we just want to talk about some scream queens we’ve known and loved, from our favorite classic final girls all the way to, well, The Final Girls. Give it a listen, tell your friends, and as always, we look forward to your comments.

DRtL Episode 37: Folklore and Fairy Tales!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 25 2016

Can you believe it? We’ve done thirty-seven episodes! (“In a row?”)

This time out, we wander off into the woods to talk about horror movies inspired by fairy tales and folklore, or even just movies that have that fairy tale feel to them, and we delve into why horror movies are the direct modern descendant of these ancient tales. Before we get to the subject, though, we wander off the path a bit to talk about the recent loss of pop culture icons David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

(Note: Jennifer refers at one point to a movie called “Tooth Fairy.” She was actually referring to “Darkness Falls,” which features that mythical creature. “Tooth Fairy” is, in fact, a family-friendly 2010 comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. DRtL regrets the error.)

This episode’s bonus link:

This episode’s YouTube video: Here’s the teaser trailer Michael talks about for the upcoming J.G. Ballard adaptation, “High-Rise”:


DRtL Episode 33: Horror Romances!

3 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 23 2015

Wooo-hooo, look at us! We swore we would have a new episode ready in two weeks and by God we actually did it.

Inspired by our recent viewing of Crimson Peak, this time we’re taking a look at Horror Romances! Even though the course of true love never quite runs smooth in a horror movie — it’s hard to give someone your heart when they really do want your heart, and they’re willing to use their sharpest knives to get it — we’re cuddling up as close to this topic as we can get. Do join us, won’t you, dear?

Episode Eleven: Horror Comedies

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Oct 17 2014

Welcome to another Halloween season episode of your favorite horror movie podcast! (At least, we assume we’re your favorite horror movie podcast. If we’re not, please don’t tell us.)

In this episode, Jennifer rants about Kevin Smith, whose recent film, “Tusk,” seems to be one inside joke aimed at the fans of podcast. (We here at Don’t Read the Latin promise that if we ever make a movie of our own, we’re not going to just pander to our existing fanbase — we intend to pander to everyone.)

We also talk about economy of storytelling, Harlan Ellison, Jen’s Big Black Gothic Yard Sale, and Michael’s upcoming Halloween reading!

No Context For You

“Speaking of soft-core pornography …. ”
“I’m Aware I’m making poor choices.”
“I have a whole bunch of ‘Night of the … ‘ movies.”

Speaking of Michael’s Halloween reading:

Episode Three: Horror Movies That Changed Our Minds

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 06 2014

Ever had a horror movie that you watched and hated, only to watch it again later and discover that it’s actually pretty good? Or, worse, you watch a movie you once liked and now you realize it’s terrible? Well, that’s what Episode Three is all about! Join us as we also talk about the season finale of Hannibal (don’t worry, no spoilers!), why we like Japanese horror films until they get too damn weird, why Jennifer doesn’t like to do negative reviews, and her changing opinion of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Don’t miss it!

Episode Two: What Is Horror, Anyway?

0 Comments | This entry was posted on May 23 2014

“Does everything fail to be a horror movie? Oh my God, nothing’s actually horror!”

“Why do we even have this podcast — ? All right, folks, that’s it, there’s not going to be an episode three ….”


Welcome back to our second episode, where we decide to tackle a highly subjective and ultimately completely unanswerable question! What is horror? Because we don’t shy away from the hard topics! (We’re not smart enough to yet.)

Join us as we talk about:

  • Watching color films in black and white
  • The War of the Worlds TV series
  • Bleak endings, and when they’re earned
  • Rob Zombie’s learning curve as a director
  • … And something about taking off a dirty dress — ?
  • Movies on the border between thrillers and horror, and Montoure takes a stab at defining the distinction between the two
  • Montoure tries to remember what movie a terrifying scene he remembers from his childhood could possibly be from
  • Jennifer has never read the Internet creepypasta short story “Candle Cove”
  • When the suck fairy comes to visit movies you used to love
  • movies that take a gleeful fun-house approach to their mayhem
  • Horror comedies
  • Horror movie theme ringtones
  • Movies based on real-life horrors
  • Why people don’t help when faced with real-life horrors
  • What movies we’re looking forward to