Posts Tagged ‘Hannibal [TV]’
Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 89: TV Horror Part 2!
Welcome back! We all had a snow day here, but now we join our hosts, Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely along with special guest Jillian Venters of
Gothic Charm School to finish up their discussion of television horror with their perennial favorites, Hannibal and Penny Dreadful. And that’s all they talk about. They really love Hannibal and Penny Dreadful, and hopefully you do (or will), too!
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Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 86: Horror in Houses!
Welcome back to Don’t Read the Latin, where two older ladies argue! (Trust me, that’ll make more sense after you listen.) This one is about horror movies set in houses… or at least that was the idea. Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall take you to a cul-de-sac of creepiness, so lock your doors and stay safe!
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Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 85: Horror Comedies!
Hey, everyone, we are back from weddings, honeymoons, and horrible air quality to bring you a brand new episode. In this episode, Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall discuss their favorite funny scary movies, joined by special guest and newly upgraded Handsome Husband Jim! You’ll find that Jennifer doesn’t understand Earth humor, Rhias loves her some cannibal movies, and Jim has some questionable taste. Enjoy!
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Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 82: Lesser Known Vampire Films!
After Labor Day comes the fruits of our labors: a new episode! In this one, your hosts Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by their vampire expert friend, Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School! Together, they discuss their favorite vampire movies you might not know about, from the 30’s until today!
Sadly, I, Handsome Fiance Jim, did not have time to rewatch some of my obscure favorites, so you are spared a mention of Blood and Donuts, To Sleep With The Vampire, and Embrace of the Vampire… or are you? Muah ha ha ha ha ha!
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Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 75: Fairy Tales Revisited!
It’s that time again, and Jennifer and Rhias are joined by Lisa (from the Noir! episode), and Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School to talk about fairy tales: their horrifying origins, the stories of women they contain, and the movies that hold those things close to their celluloid hearts. Join them as they rip those hearts out and feast, including a few movies that you might not have thought of as fairy tales, then wind down with them as they discuss their own childhood stories and movies.
Handsome Boyfriend Jim note: At no point in this episode do they even mention “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters” which I think is criminal, and Jen thinks I’m criminally tasteless for loving as much as I do. But I write these blurbs, so Hansel and Gretel gets its time in the sun!
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DRtL Episode 38: Horror Soundtracks!
Listen! What’s that sound? Does that eerie pulsing synthesizer music mean that there’s a killer lurking in the shadows? No — it’s just the latest episode of Don’t Read the Latin!
This time out, we’re talking about horror soundtracks and scores that we love — even when they’re from films we don’t.
Montoure goes all film-school on us and starts talking about diegetic vs. non-diegetic music, Jennifer carefully side-steps around the subject of a mysterious competition in her youth, and so much more!
Stuff We Mentioned
At one point, Montoure mentions that the film He Never Died (he couldn’t remember the title at the time, but that’s the one) reminded him of a novel called Sandman Slim, by Richard Kadrey, so here’s a link to that book on Amazon. (Or click on the cover image, here, if you’re more visually inclined.) It’s a fun read and you should check it out!
He also mentioned the unused soundtrack for Hellraiser by the band Coil, and said that the whole thing was probably on YouTube. It is! You can give it a listen here. It’s very different from the soundtrack that actually got used!
And finally, he also also mentioned a haunting little comic by Ehud Lavski about a mysterious radio station. He reblogged that one on his Tumblr. You can click on the thumbnail below to read the whole comic.
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DRtL Episode 36: What We Want To See In 2016!
Last episode, we took one last look at 2015, and this time out, we’re looking ahead at the year to come, as we discuss new releases we’re looking forward to (and some we’re not.)
While we’re at it, we also talk a little bit about what we’d like to see from horror movies in general, and we talk about other things we enjoyed in 2015 that didn’t qualify for last episode’s topic. Also, Jennifer talks about why she’s not that crazy about Benedict Cumberbatch; Michael discusses his love of horror movies that clearly spell out a rigid set of rules, and oh so much more.
Bonus Pictures
The Shirtless Jeff Goldblum mug that Michael bought Jennifer for Christmas, because he knows what she likes:
And some images from Over the Garden Wall:
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DRtL Episode 35: The Best of 2015!
Wait a minute, what’s that? Peeking out from under the branches of the Christmas tree that’s starting to drop needles onto your living room floor? Why, it looks like Satan — excuse me, I mean Santa — has left you one last Christmas present! And it’s just what you wanted — a brand new episode of Don’t Read the Latin! You must have been good this year.
This time out, we look back at 2015’s crop of horror movies — what was great, what was terrible (although we don’t waste much time talking about that), and which movies merely deserved our 2015 “You Tried” Participation Medal. Jennifer and Michael are joined by special guests Jeff Harris of Fanboy News Network and Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School!
Special thanks to AFK Tavern for actually being open at the godforsaken hours of the procrastination-driven, insomnia-fueled editing of this episode!
And that’s it for us for this year! We will talk to you all in 2016! Happy holidays!
P.S. For reference, here is the XXXenophile cover we talk about in the beginning of the episode. (Even though it’s for an “adult” comic, the cover itself is more-or-less safe for work.) Click to embiggen.
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DRtL Episode 33: Horror Romances!
Wooo-hooo, look at us! We swore we would have a new episode ready in two weeks and by God we actually did it.
Inspired by our recent viewing of Crimson Peak, this time we’re taking a look at Horror Romances! Even though the course of true love never quite runs smooth in a horror movie — it’s hard to give someone your heart when they really do want your heart, and they’re willing to use their sharpest knives to get it — we’re cuddling up as close to this topic as we can get. Do join us, won’t you, dear?
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DRtL Episode 31: The Kids Are Alright
Horror movies with kid heroes. It’s a natural. How better to make an audience scared for your protagonist than to make him (or her) a young, vulnerable, innocent child? Throw in the “your parents will never believe you” trope, and you’re set for some real scares. This episode, we salute the best child protagonists the horror genre has to offer.
Join Michael and Jennifer as they dissect the casting and plot direction of Hannibal’s third season, play with an Angel puppet, talk about the Paul Stanley / Dee Snyder feud, and reveal the secret of how to get Jennifer’s daughter to watch a movie that might be slightly scary. Listen in amazement as Michael fucks up immediately! (We talked about People Under the Stairs during the Wes Craven episode, not the Stephen King episode. Obviously.)
We apologize once more, I’m afraid, for the sound quality of this episode. We forgot to set up the powered USB port for the microphone, and therefore that “robots gargling underwater” background echo is back. Yay. Also you can hear traffic outside and Jennifer’s cat meowing, although hopefully that last part is endearing. Anyway. We’ll try to set things up a little better next time.
Bonus Video
Here’s a fan-made music video for the Scissor Sisters song Return to Oz that Michael mentioned:
Bonus Tumblr Meme
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the “Public Service Announcement” Michael mentions making on Tumblr, in a post that’s received over 25,000 notes so far:
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