Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 77: Documentaries!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 10 2018

For this episode, we take a little turn off Scary Movie Boulevard onto Real Life Movies Lane, to talk about the documentaries that Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall both love. If you’re a fan of true crime, Golden Age Hollywood, or Werner Herzog, this is the show for you!

Next time, back to horror with a little change in format to shake things up… Stay tuned!

DRtL Episode 33: Horror Romances!

3 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 23 2015

Wooo-hooo, look at us! We swore we would have a new episode ready in two weeks and by God we actually did it.

Inspired by our recent viewing of Crimson Peak, this time we’re taking a look at Horror Romances! Even though the course of true love never quite runs smooth in a horror movie — it’s hard to give someone your heart when they really do want your heart, and they’re willing to use their sharpest knives to get it — we’re cuddling up as close to this topic as we can get. Do join us, won’t you, dear?