Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 89: TV Horror Part 1!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 22 2019

It’s another long one! Your hosts Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School to discuss their favorite horror on the television! And Netflix. And Prime. Let’s just say it’s stuff you don’t watch in the theater?

Tune in next time for their very excited discussion of favorites Hannibal and Penny Dreadful!

And since I, Handsome Husband Jim write these posts, I get to mention a show they didn’t, the 1980s show Werewolf, which was one of my first exposures to horror and can be summed up as the Incredible Hulk TV series, just with a shockingly well made werewolf instead of Lou Ferrigno. And who was quite the player behind the scenes.

DRtL Episode 42: The Book Was Better!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on May 12 2016

“I’ve never seen the 50’s Vincent Price version . . . or, now that I stop to think about it, I don’t think I’ve seen the 60’s version, either . . . and I’m not sure I saw I Am Legend . . . . “

“Oh, my God — move on!”

Welcome to our only slightly late episode! This time, we’re exploring that strange territory where the silver screen and your local bookstore collide. That’s right, this episode is all about horror movies based on books! Bad movies based on good novels, good movies based on bad novels, and everything in between. Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know!

Worthy of Note: Hopefully you will notice a big improvement in the sound quality over previous episodes. We’re trying a totally new audio set-up, and we think it sounds a lot better. Let us know what you think of that, too. We’re still experimenting and learning, and after two years of doing this, we’re finally making a little progress! Eventually, we catch on.

Speaking of which, also Worthy of Note — we’ve missed it by just a few days, but May 9th was the second anniversary of our very first episode! I know, we can’t believe it, either! For those who have been with us from the beginning, thank you so much for listening and for your comments and support, and for telling your friends about us. For those of you just joining — welcome! Grab some popcorn and settle in, because we’re not going to stop watching horror movies any time soon. See you in two weeks!

DRTL Episode 41: Doubles and Doppelgangers!

3 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 25 2016

No, you’re not seeing double — this really is another episode of Don’t Read the Latin, after just two weeks! On time, in other words! Believe me, no one’s more surprised by that than we are. Won’t you both sit down? Wait, weren’t there two of you just a moment ago? We could have sworn ….

Oh, well. This time out, Michael Montoure and Jennifer Lovely, your Twosome of Terror, have doubled down on their research to bring you Doubles and Doppelgängers, a look into the twins, clones, shapeshifters, and other creepy identical duplicates that have graced the silver screen over the years. Grab a pair of headphones and give it a listen. If you like it, don’t forget to leave us a comment. Or two.


Bonus Features

First up, here is the short horror film that Jennifer mentions, Doppelganger:

…. Which is by the same director as one of our favorite horror comedy shorts, Meat:

And lastly, for that extra Creep Factor, check out this article about real people who allegedly encountered their paranormal doubles throughout history: 10 Disturbing Tales Of Doppelgangers!

DRtL Episode 36: What We Want To See In 2016!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 11 2016

Last episode, we took one last look at 2015, and this time out, we’re looking ahead at the year to come, as we discuss new releases we’re looking forward to (and some we’re not.)

While we’re at it, we also talk a little bit about what we’d like to see from horror movies in general, and we talk about other things we enjoyed in 2015 that didn’t qualify for last episode’s topic. Also, Jennifer talks about why she’s not that crazy about Benedict Cumberbatch; Michael discusses his love of horror movies that clearly spell out a rigid set of rules, and oh so much more.


Bonus Pictures

The Shirtless Jeff Goldblum mug that Michael bought Jennifer for Christmas, because he knows what she likes:


And some images from Over the Garden Wall:


DRtL Episode 33: Horror Romances!

3 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 23 2015

Wooo-hooo, look at us! We swore we would have a new episode ready in two weeks and by God we actually did it.

Inspired by our recent viewing of Crimson Peak, this time we’re taking a look at Horror Romances! Even though the course of true love never quite runs smooth in a horror movie — it’s hard to give someone your heart when they really do want your heart, and they’re willing to use their sharpest knives to get it — we’re cuddling up as close to this topic as we can get. Do join us, won’t you, dear?

DrTL Episode 23: Werewolves!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on May 11 2015

Welcome back, and thanks for listening to one whole year of Don’t Read the Latin! It seems like only yesterday that Episode One was lovingly streamed straight to your trembling ears, but it was  way back on May 9th, 2014. So we’re celebrating our podcast-iversary! Join us! Have some cake and ice cream!


Ooookay, maybe — maybe just some ice cream.

Anyway! Yes! A new episode! We have one for you, and it didn’t take a whole month this time! We are joined once again by Jeff Harris from Fanboy News Network, who practically insisted on coming along for the recording when he found out we were talking about werewolves, which turned out to be a good thing as Michael and Jennifer ended up realizing that, on the whole, they, uhhh, they don’t really like werewolf movies that much. So, yeah.

But we still manage to have a good time with the subject, and Jennifer talks about rewatching The Walking Dead and about common werewolf tropes in urban fantasy, Michael tells us about a unique stage adaptation of Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde, Michael and Jeff talk about the history of werewolves in Marvel comics, and we wonder why more werewolf movies don’t deal with pack dynamics.

In short, it’s another fun episode, so press play above! Or download it. I mean, whatever you wanna do here. Knock yourself out.