Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 89: TV Horror Part 1!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 22 2019

It’s another long one! Your hosts Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School to discuss their favorite horror on the television! And Netflix. And Prime. Let’s just say it’s stuff you don’t watch in the theater?

Tune in next time for their very excited discussion of favorites Hannibal and Penny Dreadful!

And since I, Handsome Husband Jim write these posts, I get to mention a show they didn’t, the 1980s show Werewolf, which was one of my first exposures to horror and can be summed up as the Incredible Hulk TV series, just with a shockingly well made werewolf instead of Lou Ferrigno. And who was quite the player behind the scenes.

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 61: Witches!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jul 25 2017

Welcome back! This episode marks a new, exciting time for Don’t Read the Latin, as Michael Montoure has decided to step back from co-hosting for now as he has a lot on his plate at the moment. Jennifer Lovely is still happily here, though, discussing horror movies and her love of them, and each episode will have a rotating cast of co-hosts joining her. There will be many of the voices you’ve heard in previous episodes, and we can all look forward to some new ones joining the mix, too!

In this episode she is joined by Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School ( and they are discussing witches and witchcraft, although we know it’s simply taboo!

Onward to an all-new era of Don’t Read the Latin adventures!

DRtL Episode 52: The Monstrous Feminine!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Nov 22 2016

Welcome back! Joining us for another episode of Don’t Read the Latin is Jillian Venters from Gothic Charm School! This time, in the wake of election results that are arguably more terrifying than any movie we’ve ever discussed, we decided to get our feminist rant on and sat down to talk about The Monstrous Feminine — the idea of women as monsters in horror movies and pop culture.


Along the way, we discuss Gothic romance novels, Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios, the role that Mad Max: Fury Road played in the beginning of Jen’s relationship with Handsome Boyfriend Jim, and we wonder why the hell Marvel keeps burying pretty actors under way too much prosthetic makeup, and we wrap it all up with the topic of older women having a voice and taking up space in our society. We don’t necessarily do a great job of sticking rigidly to our topic in this episode, but we sure hope you’ll think it’s an interesting conversation. Check it out.


Books we mention in this episode:


Mister Babadook
As mentioned in this episode, Jen’s copy of the crowdfunded prop replica/movie tie-in book from The Babadook has finally arrived! Here are some pictures of just how gorgeous it is. Click to embiggen:

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DRtL Episode 51: Time Loops and Time Travel!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Oct 31 2016

Happy Halloween, Latin Club! We’re excited to get to bring you a new episode on our favorite holiday of the year. This time (ha! Get it?), we’re talking about Time Loops and Time Travel! (And amazingly enough, Michael somehow gets through the entire episode without mentioning Doctor Who even once!) Also, Jen talks about taking the Scarecrow Video Psychotronic Challenge, and about Shudder, the curated Amazon Video horror-movie channel!

Spoiler Warnings — Usually, we try not to give away crucial plot elements of the movies we discuss on DRtL, but that was a little tricky with this episode — since with a lot of the films we mention here, the very fact that the plot does involve time-travel shenanigans is actually meant to be a surprise. So if you are particularly spoiler-sensitive, you might want to skip this episode, and you maybe shouldn’t even look at the tags on the blog post. Sorry!

Alternately, if you encounter any spoilers you wish you hadn’t heard — just go back in time and warn yourself not to listen! Problem solved.

(Looking for something a little more seasonally-themed? Hop in our time machine and travel all the way back to 2014’s Episode 10: It Happened on Halloween! for an episode that’s all about movies set on or around Halloween!)


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The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you enjoy  listening to Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks for everything, and we hope you get nothing but the very best full-size candy bars in your trick-or-treat bags this year.

DRtL Episode FIFTY: Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Oct 10 2016

“Let’s make this bullshit happen!”

” …. Is that going to be our new motto from now on? Actually, that might look good on stickers, now that I think about it.”

So hey, check us out! Fifty episodes! That’s kind of a lot! And to celebrate, we are counting down the TOP FIFTY HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME!

Okay, well, no. We’re not going to pretend that we’re being at all objective. What we’re actually doing is our Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies! You’re actually getting more than fifty, because Jennifer and Michael have each brought their own lists, so listen in as they compare the movies they love the most. (Presented in chronological order, so as not to descend into complete chaos.) Just in time for you to figure out what you want to watch for Halloween!

All this and more, as Jen tells us about a recent unpleasant incident in a movie theater, a documentary on the murder of Kitty Genovese, and completely spoils the ending of “The Changeling!”

We also talk about movies we’ve seen recently, including Blair Witch. If you just want to skip directly ahead to the Top Fifty goodness, you will find it at the 27-minutes-and-15-seconds mark.

Hope you enjoy this one!


Please rate our podcast on iTunes!

The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you’d like to hear another fifty episodes of Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks for everything, you guys.

The Media List

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Episode Sixteen: 2014 – The Year in Horror

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 07 2015

DRTL ep16
Happy New Year! 2014 was a great year for horror — if you were willing to dig for it. While there were only a mere handful of big studio releases — and they were uniformly disappointing — there were a lot of fantastic indie films out there, which generally received limited theatrical releases, assuming they didn’t go straight to Netflix or VOD.

Jennifer and Michael walk you through the best this past year had to offer, with special guests Jeff Harris from Fanboy News Network and Jillian Venters from Gothic Charm School. Let us know what you think, and tell us if there are any gems we missed.

(We also recorded the “Geek Culture Review Of 2014″ episode of Fanboy News Network that day, in one long epic podcasting session. You should definitely check that out, too!)