DRtL Episode 55: Back From The Dead!

4 Comments | This entry was posted on Mar 13 2017

Hello, horror fiends! Did you have a good New Year’s? And, uhhh, a good Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Chinese New Year, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and Mardi Gras — ? So, yeah, it’s been a little while since our last episode, is what we’re saying, here. Between Michael being out of town a lot, and Jen losing her job, her house, and then her Grandmother in rapid succession, there’s been a hell of a lot of so-called “real life” cutting into our podcasting time.

But now we’re Back From The Dead, and what better way to celebrate that than with an episode about horror movies where people return from the grave? We’re not talking ghosts, or vampires, or zombies — we’vddde done episodes on all of those already. We’re talking all the other revenants of every type and description.

Along the way, we talk about Letterboxd, a site for keeping track of the movies you watch; the late, lamented iMDB message boards; the critical role of politics in the horror genre; and the online horror movie offerings of services like Shudder and Fandor. All that and more is waiting for you in the latest episode, so stuff it into your eager brainmeats, let us know what you think in the comments, and as always, be sure to rate and review us on iTunes to let your fellow horror fans know we’re worth checking out. It’s great to be back — thanks for listening, and we will be back in two weeks.

DRtL Episode 51: Time Loops and Time Travel!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Oct 31 2016

Happy Halloween, Latin Club! We’re excited to get to bring you a new episode on our favorite holiday of the year. This time (ha! Get it?), we’re talking about Time Loops and Time Travel! (And amazingly enough, Michael somehow gets through the entire episode without mentioning Doctor Who even once!) Also, Jen talks about taking the Scarecrow Video Psychotronic Challenge, and about Shudder, the curated Amazon Video horror-movie channel!

Spoiler Warnings — Usually, we try not to give away crucial plot elements of the movies we discuss on DRtL, but that was a little tricky with this episode — since with a lot of the films we mention here, the very fact that the plot does involve time-travel shenanigans is actually meant to be a surprise. So if you are particularly spoiler-sensitive, you might want to skip this episode, and you maybe shouldn’t even look at the tags on the blog post. Sorry!

Alternately, if you encounter any spoilers you wish you hadn’t heard — just go back in time and warn yourself not to listen! Problem solved.

(Looking for something a little more seasonally-themed? Hop in our time machine and travel all the way back to 2014’s Episode 10: It Happened on Halloween! for an episode that’s all about movies set on or around Halloween!)


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The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you enjoy  listening to Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks for everything, and we hope you get nothing but the very best full-size candy bars in your trick-or-treat bags this year.

DRtL Episode FIFTY: Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Oct 10 2016

“Let’s make this bullshit happen!”

” …. Is that going to be our new motto from now on? Actually, that might look good on stickers, now that I think about it.”

So hey, check us out! Fifty episodes! That’s kind of a lot! And to celebrate, we are counting down the TOP FIFTY HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME!

Okay, well, no. We’re not going to pretend that we’re being at all objective. What we’re actually doing is our Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies! You’re actually getting more than fifty, because Jennifer and Michael have each brought their own lists, so listen in as they compare the movies they love the most. (Presented in chronological order, so as not to descend into complete chaos.) Just in time for you to figure out what you want to watch for Halloween!

All this and more, as Jen tells us about a recent unpleasant incident in a movie theater, a documentary on the murder of Kitty Genovese, and completely spoils the ending of “The Changeling!”

We also talk about movies we’ve seen recently, including Blair Witch. If you just want to skip directly ahead to the Top Fifty goodness, you will find it at the 27-minutes-and-15-seconds mark.

Hope you enjoy this one!


Please rate our podcast on iTunes!

The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you’d like to hear another fifty episodes of Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks for everything, you guys.

The Media List

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DRtL Episode 38: Horror Soundtracks!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Feb 11 2016

Listen! What’s that sound? Does that eerie pulsing synthesizer music mean that there’s a killer lurking in the shadows? No — it’s just the latest episode of Don’t Read the Latin!

This time out, we’re talking about horror soundtracks and scores that we love — even when they’re from films we don’t.

Montoure goes all film-school on us and starts talking about diegetic vs. non-diegetic music, Jennifer carefully side-steps around the subject of a mysterious competition in her youth, and so much more!

Stuff We Mentioned

At one point, Montoure mentions that the film He Never Died (he couldn’t remember the title at the time, but that’s the one) reminded him of a novel called Sandman Slim, by Richard Kadrey, so here’s a link to that book on Amazon. (Or click on the cover image, here, if you’re more visually inclined.) It’s a fun read and you should check it out!


He also mentioned the unused soundtrack for Hellraiser by the band Coil, and said that the whole thing was probably on YouTube. It is! You can give it a listen here. It’s very different from the soundtrack that actually got used!

And finally, he also also mentioned a haunting little comic by Ehud Lavski about a mysterious radio station. He reblogged that one on his Tumblr. You can click on the thumbnail below to read the whole comic.


DRtL Episode 32: The 70’s, Baby!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 10 2015

Welcome to the latest, almost hilariously overdue episode of Don’t Read the Latin, with your hosts, shiftless ne’er-do-well Michael Montoure and Magical Girl Jennifer Lovely! I know we keep saying this, but we will, hell-or-high-water, be going back to our normal bi-weekly schedule following this, even if someone has to die. (Not one of us, ideally. It’ll be no one you know, don’t worry.)

This time out, grab your bell-bottoms and your disco shoes, because we’re going back to the 70’s! Even though the 70’s are not our favorite horror movie decade (that would be the 80’s), you could make a strong claim that it was the best, with a high number of standout classics. Give it a listen and let us know what you think.

Recommended! As far as new movies go, there are two we’ve seen lately that are both super, super-fun, and we highly suggest you give these two a watch ASAP: Tales of Halloween and The Final Girls. Four thumbs up. (That’s two from each of us.)

DRtL Episode 20: Guilty Pleasures!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2015

First, a word of warning. At one point during this episode, we propose a drinking game — that you drink every time we say something to the effect of, “This is not a good movie.” Do not do this. You will die.

That said — join Michael and Jennifer as we drag our secret stash of schlock out from the back of our video collections into the light. First we define just exactly what it is we mean when we call something a “guilty pleasure,” and then we’re off and running! Expect lots of giggling in this episode.

Episode Three: Horror Movies That Changed Our Minds

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 06 2014

Ever had a horror movie that you watched and hated, only to watch it again later and discover that it’s actually pretty good? Or, worse, you watch a movie you once liked and now you realize it’s terrible? Well, that’s what Episode Three is all about! Join us as we also talk about the season finale of Hannibal (don’t worry, no spoilers!), why we like Japanese horror films until they get too damn weird, why Jennifer doesn’t like to do negative reviews, and her changing opinion of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Don’t miss it!