Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 97: Pets Gone Bad!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 16 2019

Welcome back, deer listeners, as it’s time for another episode of Don’t Read the Latin! This time, Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are coming atcha with their favorite movies about our domesticated buddies taking matters into their own paws! Side note: Rhias says the movie Roar is about lions, but I seem to remember it being about tigers. I think this bears more research. Oh, my!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 91: Little Monsters!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2019

Hey, we’re back again, and this time Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall talk about movies with tiny terrors in them. They’re joined by our own little monster, Max the cat, who has big kitty opinions on everything. And no, I still haven’t watched Tag yet.

DRtL Episode 42: The Book Was Better!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on May 12 2016

“I’ve never seen the 50’s Vincent Price version . . . or, now that I stop to think about it, I don’t think I’ve seen the 60’s version, either . . . and I’m not sure I saw I Am Legend . . . . “

“Oh, my God — move on!”

Welcome to our only slightly late episode! This time, we’re exploring that strange territory where the silver screen and your local bookstore collide. That’s right, this episode is all about horror movies based on books! Bad movies based on good novels, good movies based on bad novels, and everything in between. Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know!

Worthy of Note: Hopefully you will notice a big improvement in the sound quality over previous episodes. We’re trying a totally new audio set-up, and we think it sounds a lot better. Let us know what you think of that, too. We’re still experimenting and learning, and after two years of doing this, we’re finally making a little progress! Eventually, we catch on.

Speaking of which, also Worthy of Note — we’ve missed it by just a few days, but May 9th was the second anniversary of our very first episode! I know, we can’t believe it, either! For those who have been with us from the beginning, thank you so much for listening and for your comments and support, and for telling your friends about us. For those of you just joining — welcome! Grab some popcorn and settle in, because we’re not going to stop watching horror movies any time soon. See you in two weeks!

DRtL Episode 32: The 70’s, Baby!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 10 2015

Welcome to the latest, almost hilariously overdue episode of Don’t Read the Latin, with your hosts, shiftless ne’er-do-well Michael Montoure and Magical Girl Jennifer Lovely! I know we keep saying this, but we will, hell-or-high-water, be going back to our normal bi-weekly schedule following this, even if someone has to die. (Not one of us, ideally. It’ll be no one you know, don’t worry.)

This time out, grab your bell-bottoms and your disco shoes, because we’re going back to the 70’s! Even though the 70’s are not our favorite horror movie decade (that would be the 80’s), you could make a strong claim that it was the best, with a high number of standout classics. Give it a listen and let us know what you think.

Recommended! As far as new movies go, there are two we’ve seen lately that are both super, super-fun, and we highly suggest you give these two a watch ASAP: Tales of Halloween and The Final Girls. Four thumbs up. (That’s two from each of us.)

Episode Fourteen: Remakes!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 06 2014


Whether you love them or hate them, the horror remake is here to stay. (Hollywood loves to feast on its own dead.) Join Jennifer and Michael as they delve into the best, the worst, and the most completely pointless.