Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 91: Little Monsters!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2019

Hey, we’re back again, and this time Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall talk about movies with tiny terrors in them. They’re joined by our own little monster, Max the cat, who has big kitty opinions on everything. And no, I still haven’t watched Tag yet.

DRtL Episode 20: Guilty Pleasures!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2015

First, a word of warning. At one point during this episode, we propose a drinking game — that you drink every time we say something to the effect of, “This is not a good movie.” Do not do this. You will die.

That said — join Michael and Jennifer as we drag our secret stash of schlock out from the back of our video collections into the light. First we define just exactly what it is we mean when we call something a “guilty pleasure,” and then we’re off and running! Expect lots of giggling in this episode.