Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 113: Horror On A Boat!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on May 18 2020

Ahoy, there! Welcome back to Don’t Read the Latin, this time with 100% more salt…water. Jennifer Lovely and special guest Handsome Husband Jim bring you their picks for horror on the high seas. While careful listeners might hear Max the podcat in the background, this episode has the debut of his sister podcat Maggie who gets very up close and personal with the mic. Enjoy!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 108: Favorite Scenes!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Feb 17 2020

You know that one part in a movie that really sticks with you? The one that resonates and reverberates deep in your soul? Well, Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely are here to tell you what theirs are! Do they match yours, or are yours entirely different ones? Let us know!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 83: Bad But Beloved!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 24 2018

After some minor technical difficulties, we are back, and this time around your hosts Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely talk about the movies they know are bad (or at least other people think they are), but love them anyway.

And as a side note, I, Handsome Fiance Jim, think that the Howling werewolves were terrifying with their too-long, weirdly jointed fingers, and that the Brendan Fraser Mummy was the bomb; it totally buckled my swash.

DRtL Episode 46: Horror Double Features!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jul 18 2016

If you’re starting to plan your Halloween party — and if you’re not, you’d better get on that, you only have 104 days left — we have totally got you covered this episode. Want to show your friends a couple of movies? This episode we talk about Horror Double Features and give our picks for what movies pair together well, like pairing cheeses and fine wines. While we’re at it, we talk about just what exactly makes two movies go together well as a single viewing.

Spoiler Warnings
We discuss the endings of both 10 Cloverfield Lane and Ex Machina. If you don’t want to hear the details, skip forward a couple of minutes when you hear us mention those titles.

Technical Notes:
We mention at the beginning of this episode that we were recording it on our laptop and on our new audio recorder, because Montoure didn’t trust that the recording was actually, you know, recording. And it’s a damn good thing he’s paranoid, because it turns out that the recorder did not save a file at all. The quality the first time we used it was great, and it will be a fine tool to add to our podcasting arsenal if we can ever figure out how to use the damn thing.

The Bag of Fucks
We mention in passing The Bag of Fucks, which is an awesome hand-made creation by our friend Dmitri Arbacauskas at Tormented Artifacts. When you have just run out of fucks to give, here’s the bag you could load some more into. (Or you can just open the bag if you want to show people that it is, indeed, empty.) You can get one of these beauties here if you are so inclined.


Other Podcasts
Jennifer mentions a few of her new favorites among the podcasts she listens to, so if you’d like to check those out, here they are:


In the News
Since we brought up Chopping Mall, a movie about security robots gone rogue in a shopping center, we naturally talked about a related story in the news recently, and in case you missed it, here it is: A mall security robot has knocked down and run over a toddler in Silicon Valley.

Thanks for Listening!
If you like the show, don’t forgot to follow us and rate us on iTunes! You can also subscribe to the podcast on Stitcher, and you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Remember that we love you and that we think you look adorable when you’re sleeping.

The Media List

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DRtL Episode 20: Guilty Pleasures!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Mar 10 2015

First, a word of warning. At one point during this episode, we propose a drinking game — that you drink every time we say something to the effect of, “This is not a good movie.” Do not do this. You will die.

That said — join Michael and Jennifer as we drag our secret stash of schlock out from the back of our video collections into the light. First we define just exactly what it is we mean when we call something a “guilty pleasure,” and then we’re off and running! Expect lots of giggling in this episode.

Episode Eight: Found Footage

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 24 2014

“It’s not like [Rob Zombie] is out there strong-arming small children for their candy money.”
“Although — you can kinda picture that, can’t you?”
“I kinda can, yeah.”

Felicitations, fright fans! Are you ready to face a fantastic festival of fearsome found footage films?

…. All right, that’s enough alliteration for one post. Welcome to another episode with your hosts Jennifer Lovely and Michael Montoure, as we bring you the skinny on horror cinema’s fastest-growing sub-genre, and discuss its strengths and limitations.

Expect chills, thrills, and more:

  • Why found footage films don’t try to emulate Blair Witch‘s improvised scenes
  • Scooby Doo as a gateway drug to horror
  • Our guilty fondness for the recent Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated series
  • How The Blair Witch Project lead the way for small-budget productions like The Battery and Jug Face
  • Jennifer rants entertainingly about Rob Zombie, Amanda Palmer, and crowdfunding
  • A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it LMFAO reference, and a mention of Christian Bale’s spectacular on-set meltdown
  • Montoure has this episode’s “Fuck This Noise” moment, with the indie horror feature “All Cheerleaders Die”

Let us know what you think, and thanks for listening!


Episode Seven: Mid-Year Review (with Fanboy News Network!)

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 09 2014

Welcome back, fellow fear fanatics! This time, we’ve got a special crossover episode for you with Jeff Harris from our sibling podcast, Fanboy News Network!

Since we’re already halfway through 2014, we sit down and take a few minutes (seventy-six of them, to be exact) to talk about what the first half of the year has brought us in horror.

Join us as we debate the merits of watching horror movies in the theatre vs. watching them in more intimate settings, find out why Montoure enjoys going to preview screenings most of all, and as we praise theatre/restaurant/bar combos like Cinebarre. We talk about the renaissance of short films, and how they can be the new calling card for up-and-coming directors.

Aside from our usual horror movie fare, we talk about the recent proliferation of horror on television, including Hannibal, True Detective, Sleepy Hollow, American Horror Story, Dexter, Penny Dreadful, and The Strain! And finally, we touch briefly on immersive real-world horror events such as The Great Horror Campout (which you couldn’t pay us enough to go to, honestly) and Halloween Horror Nights!

Sit back and enjoy the episode that nearly caused Fanboy News Network’s first use of the explicit tag! “We love swearing!”