Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 108: Favorite Scenes!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Feb 17 2020

You know that one part in a movie that really sticks with you? The one that resonates and reverberates deep in your soul? Well, Rhias Hall and Jennifer Lovely are here to tell you what theirs are! Do they match yours, or are yours entirely different ones? Let us know!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 105: Best of 2019!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 31 2019

We’ve settled into the new home, we’ve opened presents and drunk some nog, and now we’re back with our best loved horror of 2019!

This time your hosts Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall are joined by special guests Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School, Jeff Harris of Fanboy News Network, and yours truly, Handsome Husband Jim.

You’ll also get to hear the debut of our new “Spoilers” sting. Enjoy, fellow horror fans!

Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 76: Religious Horror!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on May 28 2018

A new episode appears! Your hostesses Jennifer and Rhias discuss horror with a religious bent. While we’ve done shows on the devil and exorcisms, this covers the general topic more broadly, hitting things like pagan religions and angels.

On a technical note, I’d like to apologize for the sound quality on this one, I hit the wrong switch on the mic so it’s really crackly. I did the best I could, but it’s definitely not my best work. However, without further ado, here’s the picture of Rhias, Jillian Venters, and me, Handsome FIANCE Jim as we ride the Haunted Mansion all alone.