DRtL Episode FIFTY: Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Oct 10 2016

“Let’s make this bullshit happen!”

” …. Is that going to be our new motto from now on? Actually, that might look good on stickers, now that I think about it.”

So hey, check us out! Fifty episodes! That’s kind of a lot! And to celebrate, we are counting down the TOP FIFTY HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME!

Okay, well, no. We’re not going to pretend that we’re being at all objective. What we’re actually doing is our Our Top Fifty Favorite Horror Movies! You’re actually getting more than fifty, because Jennifer and Michael have each brought their own lists, so listen in as they compare the movies they love the most. (Presented in chronological order, so as not to descend into complete chaos.) Just in time for you to figure out what you want to watch for Halloween!

All this and more, as Jen tells us about a recent unpleasant incident in a movie theater, a documentary on the murder of Kitty Genovese, and completely spoils the ending of “The Changeling!”

We also talk about movies we’ve seen recently, including Blair Witch. If you just want to skip directly ahead to the Top Fifty goodness, you will find it at the 27-minutes-and-15-seconds mark.

Hope you enjoy this one!


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The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you’d like to hear another fifty episodes of Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks for everything, you guys.

The Media List

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DRtL Episode 49: Japanese Horror!

2 Comments | This entry was posted on Sep 19 2016

Pay no attention to the creepy little girl in the corner whose long, wet black hair is covering her face — she’s not bothering anyone, we’re sure she’ll be fine. We’re back for our Japanese Horror episode! Tune in as we talk about the passing of Gene Wilder, and as we examine how things like the financial crisis Japan had in the 90s affected their horror movies, and the long shadow cast by the nuclear bomb while we talk about our favorite J-horror.


Bonus Features!

Podcasts mentioned by Jennifer:


Creepy Japanese Comics Stories by Junji Ito (super, super weird — don’t say we didn’t warn you):


Miscellaneous Links:



Please rate our podcast on iTunes!

The more reviews and ratings we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you enjoy Don’t Read the Latin and would like to help us reach more people, please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes and leave your comments. It will just take a moment of your time, but your feedback can make a huge difference to us. Thanks!

DRtL Episode 42: The Book Was Better!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on May 12 2016

“I’ve never seen the 50’s Vincent Price version . . . or, now that I stop to think about it, I don’t think I’ve seen the 60’s version, either . . . and I’m not sure I saw I Am Legend . . . . “

“Oh, my God — move on!”

Welcome to our only slightly late episode! This time, we’re exploring that strange territory where the silver screen and your local bookstore collide. That’s right, this episode is all about horror movies based on books! Bad movies based on good novels, good movies based on bad novels, and everything in between. Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know!

Worthy of Note: Hopefully you will notice a big improvement in the sound quality over previous episodes. We’re trying a totally new audio set-up, and we think it sounds a lot better. Let us know what you think of that, too. We’re still experimenting and learning, and after two years of doing this, we’re finally making a little progress! Eventually, we catch on.

Speaking of which, also Worthy of Note — we’ve missed it by just a few days, but May 9th was the second anniversary of our very first episode! I know, we can’t believe it, either! For those who have been with us from the beginning, thank you so much for listening and for your comments and support, and for telling your friends about us. For those of you just joining — welcome! Grab some popcorn and settle in, because we’re not going to stop watching horror movies any time soon. See you in two weeks!

DRtL Episode 38: Horror Soundtracks!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Feb 11 2016

Listen! What’s that sound? Does that eerie pulsing synthesizer music mean that there’s a killer lurking in the shadows? No — it’s just the latest episode of Don’t Read the Latin!

This time out, we’re talking about horror soundtracks and scores that we love — even when they’re from films we don’t.

Montoure goes all film-school on us and starts talking about diegetic vs. non-diegetic music, Jennifer carefully side-steps around the subject of a mysterious competition in her youth, and so much more!

Stuff We Mentioned

At one point, Montoure mentions that the film He Never Died (he couldn’t remember the title at the time, but that’s the one) reminded him of a novel called Sandman Slim, by Richard Kadrey, so here’s a link to that book on Amazon. (Or click on the cover image, here, if you’re more visually inclined.) It’s a fun read and you should check it out!


He also mentioned the unused soundtrack for Hellraiser by the band Coil, and said that the whole thing was probably on YouTube. It is! You can give it a listen here. It’s very different from the soundtrack that actually got used!

And finally, he also also mentioned a haunting little comic by Ehud Lavski about a mysterious radio station. He reblogged that one on his Tumblr. You can click on the thumbnail below to read the whole comic.


DRtL Episode 22: Curses and Premonitions!

4 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 27 2015

Welcome back — finally — to Don’t Read the Latin! We’re back after something like a solid month of not-podcasting, so let’s see if we still remember how to do this! We would have had this episode done much sooner, but we were delayed by Michael’s illness and then Jennifer’s surgery, almost as if we were …. cursed. Hmmm.

Anyway! Join us as we wax rhapsodic about It Follows, visit Jen’s Documentary Corner, and talk about the renaissance of excellent synthesizer-based horror soundtracks we’ve been getting lately. (And, not coincidentally, talk about Jen’s love of collecting movie soundtracks on vinyl.)


Music Bonus!

Here are a couple of links to the albums that Michael mentions this episode:

That second one is pay-what-you-want over at Bandcamp, so definitely check both of them out for retro synth-y goodness.



There are a couple of listeners we wanted to thank — first of all, thanks to commenter Kylie for her suggestion of Noroi: The Curse, which Michael watched based on her recommendation. Fun movie!

Secondly, many thanks to the listener who ran into Michael at Emerald City Comicon and told him this was her favorite podcast! Very, very cool. You made our month. (He didn’t catch your name, though! Let us know who you are!)