DRtL Episode 32: The 70’s, Baby!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 10 2015

Welcome to the latest, almost hilariously overdue episode of Don’t Read the Latin, with your hosts, shiftless ne’er-do-well Michael Montoure and Magical Girl Jennifer Lovely! I know we keep saying this, but we will, hell-or-high-water, be going back to our normal bi-weekly schedule following this, even if someone has to die. (Not one of us, ideally. It’ll be no one you know, don’t worry.)

This time out, grab your bell-bottoms and your disco shoes, because we’re going back to the 70’s! Even though the 70’s are not our favorite horror movie decade (that would be the 80’s), you could make a strong claim that it was the best, with a high number of standout classics. Give it a listen and let us know what you think.

Recommended! As far as new movies go, there are two we’ve seen lately that are both super, super-fun, and we highly suggest you give these two a watch ASAP: Tales of Halloween and The Final Girls. Four thumbs up. (That’s two from each of us.)

DRtL Episode 29: Wolf at the Door!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Aug 24 2015

Jennifer Lovely was unable to make it to a recording session this week, since she is in the process of moving and is busy doing All the Things, so instead Michael Montoure is joined by horror movie aficionado Miranda Wolf! We’ve been meaning to have Miranda on the podcast for ages, and this seemed like a good time to do it.

We kind of flirt with the idea of having an overall theme for the episode, such as Slasher Movies, but it never quite happens. Join us as we talk instead about 80’s slasher movies; Star Trek and Babylon 5 fans fighting in the streets; Montoure’s literal scar from a science fiction convention; differences between the Hannibal TV series, books, and films; ideas for slasher movie role-playing games and the horror board game Betrayal at House on the Hill; puns about feet (so very, very many puns about feet); the literal and figurative horrors that are lurking within Miranda’s Netflix queue; and so much more!

The Media List

Episode Twelve: Vampires!

2 Comments | This entry was posted on Nov 01 2014

Oh my God, you guys, you guys — Halloween is coming!

Or at least, it was when we recorded this episode, but now it’s November 1st. A little anticlimactic, we realize.

This time out, we discuss those bloodsucking fiends, those children of the night, those stalwart standbys of the Halloween silver screen: vampires! From the good, the bad, to the ridiculous, we discuss all the vampires we have known and loved.