Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 77: Documentaries!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jun 10 2018

For this episode, we take a little turn off Scary Movie Boulevard onto Real Life Movies Lane, to talk about the documentaries that Jennifer Lovely and Rhias Hall both love. If you’re a fan of true crime, Golden Age Hollywood, or Werner Herzog, this is the show for you!

Next time, back to horror with a little change in format to shake things up… Stay tuned!

DRtL Episode 36: What We Want To See In 2016!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 11 2016

Last episode, we took one last look at 2015, and this time out, we’re looking ahead at the year to come, as we discuss new releases we’re looking forward to (and some we’re not.)

While we’re at it, we also talk a little bit about what we’d like to see from horror movies in general, and we talk about other things we enjoyed in 2015 that didn’t qualify for last episode’s topic. Also, Jennifer talks about why she’s not that crazy about Benedict Cumberbatch; Michael discusses his love of horror movies that clearly spell out a rigid set of rules, and oh so much more.


Bonus Pictures

The Shirtless Jeff Goldblum mug that Michael bought Jennifer for Christmas, because he knows what she likes:


And some images from Over the Garden Wall:
