Don’t Read The Latin! Episode 75: Fairy Tales Revisited!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 16 2018

It’s that time again, and Jennifer and Rhias  are joined by Lisa (from the Noir! episode), and Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School  to talk about fairy tales: their horrifying origins, the stories of women they contain, and the movies that hold those things close to their celluloid hearts. Join them as they rip those hearts out and feast, including a few movies that you might not have thought of as fairy tales, then wind down with them as they discuss their own childhood stories and movies.

Handsome Boyfriend Jim note: At no point in this episode do they even mention “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters” which I think is criminal, and Jen thinks I’m criminally tasteless for loving as much as I do. But I write these blurbs, so Hansel and Gretel gets its time in the sun!

DRTL Episode 41: Doubles and Doppelgangers!

3 Comments | This entry was posted on Apr 25 2016

No, you’re not seeing double — this really is another episode of Don’t Read the Latin, after just two weeks! On time, in other words! Believe me, no one’s more surprised by that than we are. Won’t you both sit down? Wait, weren’t there two of you just a moment ago? We could have sworn ….

Oh, well. This time out, Michael Montoure and Jennifer Lovely, your Twosome of Terror, have doubled down on their research to bring you Doubles and Doppelgängers, a look into the twins, clones, shapeshifters, and other creepy identical duplicates that have graced the silver screen over the years. Grab a pair of headphones and give it a listen. If you like it, don’t forget to leave us a comment. Or two.


Bonus Features

First up, here is the short horror film that Jennifer mentions, Doppelganger:

…. Which is by the same director as one of our favorite horror comedy shorts, Meat:

And lastly, for that extra Creep Factor, check out this article about real people who allegedly encountered their paranormal doubles throughout history: 10 Disturbing Tales Of Doppelgangers!

DRtL Episode 37: Folklore and Fairy Tales!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Jan 25 2016

Can you believe it? We’ve done thirty-seven episodes! (“In a row?”)

This time out, we wander off into the woods to talk about horror movies inspired by fairy tales and folklore, or even just movies that have that fairy tale feel to them, and we delve into why horror movies are the direct modern descendant of these ancient tales. Before we get to the subject, though, we wander off the path a bit to talk about the recent loss of pop culture icons David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

(Note: Jennifer refers at one point to a movie called “Tooth Fairy.” She was actually referring to “Darkness Falls,” which features that mythical creature. “Tooth Fairy” is, in fact, a family-friendly 2010 comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. DRtL regrets the error.)

This episode’s bonus link:

This episode’s YouTube video: Here’s the teaser trailer Michael talks about for the upcoming J.G. Ballard adaptation, “High-Rise”:


DRtL Episode 35: The Best of 2015!

0 Comments | This entry was posted on Dec 28 2015

Wait a minute, what’s that? Peeking out from under the branches of the Christmas tree that’s starting to drop needles onto your living room floor? Why, it looks like Satan — excuse me, I mean Santa — has left you one last Christmas present! And it’s just what you wanted — a brand new episode of Don’t Read the Latin! You must have been good this year.

This time out, we look back at 2015’s crop of horror movies — what was great, what was terrible (although we don’t waste much time talking about that), and which movies merely deserved our 2015 “You Tried” Participation Medal. Jennifer and Michael are joined by special guests Jeff Harris of Fanboy News Network and Jillian Venters of Gothic Charm School!

Special thanks to AFK Tavern for actually being open at the godforsaken hours of the procrastination-driven, insomnia-fueled editing of this episode!

And that’s it for us for this year! We will talk to you all in 2016! Happy holidays!


P.S. For reference, here is the XXXenophile cover we talk about in the beginning of the episode. (Even though it’s for an “adult” comic, the cover itself is more-or-less safe for work.) Click to embiggen.




DRtL Episode 24: Orphans and Orphanages!

1 Comment | This entry was posted on Jun 01 2015

We’re back from Crypticon! We had a pretty great time, and we’re here to tell you about it. And Montoure has some selections from this year’s Seattle International Film Festival! All of which turns out to be a good thing, because the topic we had chosen for this episode turns out to be a little thin on the ground. It sure seemed like creepy orphans and orphanages were a staple of the horror genre, but we ended up having to kind of stretch our definitions to find enough to talk about ….